Good Life

Yesterday, we were on our way to watch the movie “Frost” when we got the phone call from our friend informing us that our dear friend and pastor, Jason, passed away. Ā Instead of going to the movies, we turned around and went to Jason’s house to be with his family. Ā By the time we arrived there, there were already a lot of people in the house; friends who upon hearing the news immediately dropped what they were doing to go there and try to be a comfort to his family who we all know Jason loves dearly.

Hearing that someone passed away is always a hard and sad news. But hearing it on a holiday season makes it even “sadder” and “harder”. Ā Holiday season is supposed to be a time of celebration not grief, of singing not mourning. Ā Nevertheless, it is what it is. Ā Our stay on earth is temporary. Ā Jason lived a well and inspiring life, and for that we are thankful. Toni (Jason’s wife) said that they are a family of Ā “no regrets” and for that she is thankful. Ā Jason loved his family and put them on a very high priority in his life. Ā Everyone who knows Jason knows this is true. The memories that will be remembered of him are of laughter, joy and love.

Friends, how are you doing with your life right now? Ā Jason’s passing made me reflect upon my own life. Ā Would my husband and family be able to say the same thing – that we are a family of “no regrets”? Ā Am I living my life the way it is meant to be? Ā Am I enjoying life to the fullest? Not just the “eat, drink and be merry” kind of life, but a purpose driven life. I have always enjoyed spending time with my family and this situation ignited that even more.

Holiday season is here. Ā We had our Thanksgiving last week, and Christmas is just around the corner. Ā Like Jason, let us live a life with “no regrets”. Let us start by spending quality time with the people we love the most. Aloha and a hui hou!
