Happy Aloha Friday everyone! This week’s edition of Aloha Friday here at A Maui Blog is all about scents….


My question for this week is What is your favorite scent? ” I know it’s hard to pick one so you can put as many as you want.

This question was triggered by my impromptu visit at the Soap and Candle factory of Hawaiian Scentsation. So, while you are deciding on what scent you really like, let me show you some more photos and pics from there.



So, have you decided what scent (or scents) you like the most? Then pleaseĀ leave a comment below by clicking this.

To read what others are talking story about on Aloha Friday, visit An Island Life, here.

And last but not the least, if you would like to know more about Hawaii Scentsations, go to their website, here.