I did some blog hopping tonight (because I was tired and reading blogs relaxes me). When I went to “Bonggamom’s” blog I was reminded about the Photo Hunt. I have not participated in a while, but theme this week is FAST and I have just a couple photos that I think would be appropriate for that:
We went on a Whale Watch last Friday and had fun.  However, I didn’t catch a photo of the whale on breach position. They were too FAST!
For more Photo Hunt participants. visit the Photo Hunt HUB, here. For a full blog post of our Maui whale watching adventure, visit So Much More Hawaii blog.
* whale watch trip was provided by the HVCB
How cool and how special!
I remember the last time I saw a whale in person was in the pacific northwest.
It was a “Killer Whale” otherwise known as an “Orca”
I was a small kid and we were on a small fishing boat and I was frightened that the whale was going to eat me like some of the scary whale stories I had heard of as a kid.
Maui folks are lucky you guys get such a great view!
.-= damon´s last blog ..In Honor of Founders Day at Kamehameha Schools =-.
Beautiful! The only whale I have eve seen was in the River Thames a few years back, the poor thing. I would love to see whales in their proper habitat.
Happy weekend
.-= jams o donnell´s last blog ..Photo Hunt – Fast =-.
We got the same idea, except mine was just a small fish jumping out of the water.
.-= Jama´s last blog ..PhotoHunt # 192- FAST =-.
wow! i’ve always wanted to see a whale in the wild. hopefully, next year.
Oh it looks pretty and fast too. Happy hunting…
.-= gengen´s last blog ..Photo Hunters – Fast =-.
great shots of this big fish in action….great thought for the theme today
mine is here
.-= chiewilks´s last blog ..Photohunt: Fast =-.
Great photos – welcome back to the Photo Hunt! 🙂
.-= YTSL´s last blog ..Fast (This week’s Photo Hunt theme) =-.
Whales must be fast, we see a lot more photos of tails than we do heads. 😉 Clever take on the theme.
Drop by and see mine here.
Very cool. We just got back from Oahu but did not get a chance to go on a cruise for the whales. Yep, you do have to be fast to get a picture. Have a great weekend.
.-= Marta´s last blog ..Photohunt: Fast =-.
That’s a really nice entry to the theme.
.-= Photo Cache´s last blog ..Photo Hunt #64: Fast =-.
am envious! I would love to see those whales for real. Nice shots even if you didn’t get them in breach position. Have a nice week and Merry Christmas!