The other day my daughter Ā asked me why I have not been running lately. I told her that I couldn’t find time. Ā Morning run I can do on the weekend but it’s hard to do it on work days. Ā “How about after work?” Ā she asked. Ā I told her when I come home Ā after work, I cook dinner for our family, then we eat as a family, and by the time we are done cleaning up it is already dark and I didn’t want to walk/run in the dark. Ā She said “Since I do not have work tonight, I volunteer to cook dinner for our family so you can run.” Appreciative and grateful, I accepted my daughter’s loving offer. And so that late afternoon I walked/ran. Ā And what a great treat that was. Ā Not only did I get my exercise but I got to a beautiful sunset up close that day/night. Ā I used to watch the sunset from our lanai and kitchen window as I was cooking, but that day I was able to see it from the beach!
First I walked down Keonekai Road. Ā As I was walking and running I can see that the sun is about to set and I had a feeling it is going to be an awesome one. Ā Well. almost all Maui Sunsets are awesome in my opinion but there are days when it is extra ordinary, when the sky turns into a beautiful hue of green, orange, pink and purple on an afterglow. I had a feeling that was going to be the case that day. And my feeling was right.
At the end of Keonekai Road, I crossed the street and went to Kamaole Beach III to take some photos of the Maui Sunset ….
Aside from watching the sunset, I love love watching people watch sunset. Ā There’s something magical about it. It’s an de-stresser in my opinion.
I already took several shots of people watching Maui Sunset but I had to take another one when I saw this couple. Ā Isn’t this sweet?
As I was watching the sunset I remembered Ā that my goal that day (and my agreement with my daughter) is to run and walk and get exercise. I proceeded to walk back to the sidewalk. Ā As I was walking back Ā I took more photos of people watching sunset at Kam III.
And there are more. Ā At the time I was taking this photos many people were still coming in. At first I thought the poor people coming in late missed a beautiful sunset but I was wrong ….
As I was walking on the sidewalk on the other side of the street across from Kamaole Beach III Park, I can see that a new twist is going on the Maui Sunset …
I tried to concentrate on walking and running. As I passed by Hale Kamaole entrance I was mesmerized by the beautiful bougainvillas that I once again took photos of it. One of our Real Estate Team at Wailea Realty has many listings in that Hale Kamaole neighborhood I thought I can use this photo later for work.
As I continue to walk I continue to see the beautiful Maui Sunset from the other side of the road. Ā When I looked and saw the scence above I knew I had to go back to he beach and get more Maui Sunset pics. I run towards the Mana Kai parking lot to try to capture the actual setting of the sun. Oh I had to run fast, really fast!
Upon entering the parking lot, this is what I saw….
And as I get closer, Ā this is what I saw. Oh what a beautiful sight!
On both sides from where I am I can see people … lots of people watching the beautiful Maui Sunset. Ā We are so blessed to be able to see this marvelous event….
And after the sun had set, I run again. I run back to home feeling grateful, feeling “healthy”, feeling appreciative of everything I’ve got.
You are so very fortunate to be able to view this beauty daily!!! Thank you for sharing your captures… they are beautiful!
Aloha Liza,
I was hoping maybe we could help one another by re-blogging and creating other forms of cross-pollinating for our blogs.
Mahalo Nui Loa,
Phil Wikel
Aloha Liza, I had to laugh because when I am in the middle of doing something outside there often is this great photograph that wants to be taken! So it’s a bit distracting to be in the midst of this much beauty. But who’s complaining?