Maui Sunset Kihei  1

The other day my daughter Ā asked me why I have not been running lately. I told her that I couldn’t find time. Ā Morning run I can do on the weekend but it’s hard to do it on work days. Ā “How about after work?” Ā she asked. Ā I told her when I come home Ā after work, I cook dinner for our family, then we eat as a family, and by the time we are done cleaning up it is already dark and I didn’t want to walk/run in the dark. Ā She said “Since I do not have work tonight, I volunteer to cook dinner for our family so you can run.” Appreciative and grateful, I accepted my daughter’s loving offer. And so that late afternoon I walked/ran. Ā And what a great treat that was. Ā Not only did I get my exercise but I got to a beautiful sunset up close that day/night. Ā I used to watch the sunset from our lanai and kitchen window as I was cooking, but that day I was able to see it from the beach!

Maui Sunset Kihei  2

First I walked down Keonekai Road. Ā As I was walking and running I can see that the sun is about to set and I had a feeling it is going to be an awesome one. Ā Well. almost all Maui Sunsets are awesome in my opinion but there are days when it is extra ordinary, when the sky turns into a beautiful hue of green, orange, pink and purple on an afterglow. I had a feeling that was going to be the case that day. And my feeling was right.

At the end of Keonekai Road, I crossed the street and went to Kamaole Beach III to take some photos of the Maui Sunset ….

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Aside from watching the sunset, I love love watching people watch sunset. Ā There’s something magical about it. It’s an de-stresser in my opinion.

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I already took several shots of people watching Maui Sunset but I had to take another one when I saw this couple. Ā Isn’t this sweet?

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As I was watching the sunset I remembered Ā that my goal that day (and my agreement with my daughter) is to run and walk and get exercise. I proceeded to walk back to the sidewalk. Ā As I was walking back Ā I took more photos of people watching sunset at Kam III.

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And there are more. Ā At the time I was taking this photos many people were still coming in. At first I thought the poor people coming in late missed a beautiful sunset but I was wrong ….

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As I was walking on the sidewalk on the other side of the street across from Kamaole Beach III Park, I can see that a new twist is going on the Maui Sunset …

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I tried to concentrate on walking and running. As I passed by Hale Kamaole entrance I was mesmerized by the beautiful bougainvillas that I once again took photos of it. One of our Real Estate Team at Wailea Realty has many listings in that Hale Kamaole neighborhood I thought I can use this photo later for work.

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As I continue to walk I continue to see the beautiful Maui Sunset from the other side of the road. Ā When I looked and saw the scence above I knew I had to go back to he beach and get more Maui Sunset pics. I run towards the Mana Kai parking lot to try to capture the actual setting of the sun. Oh I had to run fast, really fast!

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Upon entering the parking lot, this is what I saw….

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And as I get closer, Ā this is what I saw. Oh what a beautiful sight!

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On both sides from where I am I can see people … lots of people watching the beautiful Maui Sunset. Ā We are so blessed to be able to see this marvelous event….

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And after the sun had set, I run again. I run back to home feeling grateful, feeling “healthy”, feeling appreciative of everything I’ve got.