Ultimate Blog Party 2012


Aloha! My name is Liza, and welcome to A Maui Blog! Ā AllĀ throughoutĀ this week I had been thinking of ways on how I can connect with you, my fellow Ultimate Blog Party 2012 participants, and the only thought I could come up with is to share with you some things about me with the hope that you may find something that we both like and that can be our connecting point, so here they are below our pic:

Oh, before I forget, please leave a comment when you visit so I can visit you back. I’d try to go through the linky but it’s easier to find you via the comment section. Ā I would love to get to know you too through your blog and Facebook Page and Pinterest šŸ™‚ Ā 


1. I love Jesus. Ā I gave my life to Jesus when I was in college. I believe in “lifestyle evangelism“. Ā I do not like it when people “force” their belief to others. I think if we live a life that Jesus would want us to live, others will want to know more about HIM.

2. I am a daughter, a wife, a mother, a friend, a sister, a aunt and a blogger. I also have many other roles aside from that. I work full-time outside of home, don’t ask me how I do it because I don’t know how. I wish I can be a stay at home mom but am thankful that I have a good job to help support our family.

3. I am married to Bradley. I am barely 5 feet tall, He’s 6 and 3/4 feet tall. Ā We have been married for 19 years.

4. I love being a mom. This is one of my greatest passion in life. Ā I am a mom to a Hapa Girl N and a Hapa Boy G. Both are in their Teen years. They are my pride and joy. Ā Love them so much!

5. I love my family in the Philippines (and LA) even though I do not write and very seldom call them on the phone. My two brothers should win the award for “best brothers”.

6. I am introvert by nature although I love having a lot of friends. I am a loyal friend.

7. Ā By being an introvert, I need a lot of quite time and reflection time. I get cranky when I don’t get enough of those. My husband is the opposite – he is Mr. Extrovert.

8. Ā Being an introvert, I am not good at conversations, especially the “chit chat ones”. I do not like talking on the phone. If you call my cell phone and I don’t answer, you’d get a message recorded by Bradley. It says ” You’ve reached Liza’s phone. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE -she does not check her messages. That’s true. E-mail me if you need to reach me.

9. Ā I love to sing but singing doesn’t like me. I can only sing while taking showers šŸ˜‰

10. Ā I also love to dance but dancing doesn’t like me either. Although in elementary and High School I danced a lot, even on school programs. But now I hardly dance except swaying during worship šŸ˜‰

11. I love books and I think books like me :). Reading informative books, self-help books and biographies are my favorites. I don’t read fiction and novels that much. I love reading poetry though.

12. “Acts of Service” is my primary love language. Anything I can do or you?I love giving words of encouragement too. I love inspiring people to be their best.

13. Ā Someday when I retire and we can afford it, I’d love to “travel around the world”. Also a lot of gardening and flower arranging;

14. Ā I am a B.S. Psycholgy graduate. I took Psychology because it has the fewest Math requirements I could find in college that also has a lot of science.

15. Yes, I hate Math and love Science. Later on I realized I really really like Psychology and so glad I took that as my major.

16. I love living on Maui. Love the ocean, the sunsets, the people, the weather, and everything Maui. That’s why and how I started A Maui Blog.

Source: amauiblog.com via Liza on Pinterest


17. Ā I like eating ethnic Filipino food, And yes I do eat balut (much to my hubby’s disgust:). If you don’t know what balut it, don’t ask (you might gag).

18. Ā I own more than 25+ cookbooks but only used less than 10 of the recipes written those those 25+ cookbooks. Am a messy cook. I also am insecure with my cooking ability. I’d rather eat what you cook.

19. Ā Blogging and Twittering are among my favorite things to do. Lately, Pinterest was added to this list. Ā I am on Facebook because my family and friends are in it šŸ™‚ Lately I had been having fun with myFacebook Page – Please click the photo to see it and I hope you like it:



20. I don’t exercise very much. But I need to. I also don’t drink water as much as I need too. And did I mention I love eating fried foods? I can’t claim to be a health buff. I’d fail the healthy list test.

21. I love to run. Ā I know that’s an exercise. I love running but so busy I always neglect to run regularly. I must put running in my schedule!

22. I am a mama of an Italian Greyhound named Sonny.And yes, I spoil that dog a lot!

23.Ā Ā I am also a mama to two cats, Bob and Gus (both of the are female) . They are kinda spoiled too.

If you have gone this far, I salute you and give you a hug! Ā  If you would like to subscribe to my feed via e-mail, just enter your e-mail address in the box below. Ā Those who subscribe during the UBP will be included in a draw and the winner will get a box of Ā Hawaiian Chocolate Covered Macadamias šŸ™‚

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