Mother and Daughter at Travaasa Hana

Hana, Maui, often called “Heavenly Hana” is one place on earth where I can find serenity and pure bliss. Maui is such a beautiful place to start with. You can find peaceful places here, there and everywhere.  However …

…. if you want to experience the ultimate serene old town feeling, in a tropical setting, Hana is for you, as it is for me.

…. if you want to experience peace in a luxurious setting, not the bling bling kind, but more of a luxury that is in touch with nature, then Travaasa Hana is for you, as it is for me.

On Labor Day weekend, my daughter and I decided to go for a “Mother-Daughter Get Away Weekend”.  Hana was our choice.  Staying at Travaasa Hana was an added treat.  Travaasa Hana is a  “mesh of simplicity with luxury” – the combination of those words somewhat sounds like an oxymoron but it is not.  We experienced luxury at Travaasa in it’s simple form. Organic living at its best.

This is my 3rd year to stay at Hana for a retreat. The first two I went by myself. I enjoyed it. A lot.  This time, I took my daughter with me. I wanted her to experience the slow and unplugged living and truly enjoy it as much as I do.

Each of my three visits at Travaasa Hana is unique and magical. I always come home refreshed and renewed.  This recent retreat was extra special because Noelle, my daughter, is with me.

**** put a looong pause ***

Below is an outline of what I wanted to share with you.  It’s been two months and I still have this post on draft so tonight I am going to upload this as is … then I’d just update this post whenever I can …. section by section … memories by memories …. adding photos here and there.

1) It’s The Journey, Not Just The Destination.

The pick up

The Rainbow

Singing Our Hearts Out

Fell In Love With Travaasa – Sea Cottage, People, Welcome

2) Don’t Be Afraid, Go Give It A Try

Yoga, Slept in, Breakfast

Wainapanapa, Cave

3) The Food

4) The Massage

5) The Horseback Riding

To be updated …. 🙂