Help the Philippines

I live on Maui and is known as the Maui Local on the net. Ā However, I was not born here. I am one of the many “flown, not grown” locals who learned to adapt to the Hawaiian culture and love Maui like I grew up here. Ā Some of you might not know – I am originally from the Philippines. I moved to Maui in 1994 to be with my husband who lives here. Ā And I suppose you know where this post is heading to right now …. my heart breaks for the Philippines as I see the tragedy and destruction that had fallen upon them by the super storm Haiyan (or Yolanda – that’s her name in the Philippines).

Most of my family still lives in the Philippines. Thankfullly they were not heavily affected by the storm. They are ok. However, my heart still breaks when Ā I think of my native country and how my people are suffering and need help. In my heart I know I must help. I need to do something. I didn’t know what or how but I needed to so something.

Yesterday I was busy all day trying to plan and organize a fundraising here on Maui. Ā I was in communication with Peter Liu and Erik Blair. They were both willing to help me organize this fundraising event. Then at the end of the end it’s becoming evident that I do not have the time, the resources, and the energy to organize a big event that will raise substantial fund. Ā Then a magic word came to mind. LEVERAGE. Ā Why re-invent the wheel? Why spend our energy organizing an event when we can leverage by directing people to the already organized events and organizations set up to help the victims of Haiyan in the Philippines. There is still something we can do. We can promote awareness, We can inspire, encourage and motivate people to give. Ā We can spread the word on how much help is needed and where individuals and business can send their monetary gifts to help. This will be a better use of my time, our time.

Help PI

A couple of weeks ago I was award as one of the “Top 5 Social Media Influencer” on the state of Hawaii. Now it’s time to get that title to action, and to work for a good cause. Ā Time to use my influence to stir the hearts of the people to help. Ā Here on Maui, and in America as a whole, many people are busy preparing for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Ā Mall are filled with stuff to buy to help in the celebration. Ā As we plan to celebrate Thanksgiving, may Ā ask you to please consider putting your thankfulness in action by giving to back and giving forward to the people who need it most today? There are many ways to give and I will provide the link for you down below.

To consolidate this effort of sending aloha and kokua from Maui to the Philippines, I have put together a “campaign”. I am calling this #AlohaPI to signify that the people of Hawaii are sending their aloha (love) to the Aloha Philippine Islands. Here is the plan and I truly hope you will participate:

#AlohaPIĀ  a campaign organized Ā to create awareness and encourage more people and businesses to donate to the victims of typhoon Haiyan.

Here’s how to participate:

1. Donate to any of the non-profit org mentioned on this following articles:

A. Ā via CNN

B. via Huffington Post

C. via Rappler

2. Ttweet or post on Facebook that you donated, along with the hashtag #AlohaPI (if you re with #MauiSMUG please add that hashtag as well). In the Philippines they are using the hashtag #YolandaPH, you can add that as well.

3. Email me at Ā lizamaui (yah00) or message me on Facebook the URL of your blog or biz so she can add you to the participating peeps and biz on MauiSMUG page. Please let me know the amount you donated so we can tract at the end of the campaign how much we’veĀ  donated from this campaign. The amount of your particular donation will not be posted on the web, only the fact that you donated.

Here on A Maui Ā Blog, I will list down below this post the names if the individuals and businesses participating in this #AlohaPI campaign. The link will be pointing live to your blog or website if you like. You can leave me a comment below when you donate – that will be the fastest way for me to track though I will also track the #AlohaPI hashtag. Ā You can also contact me here.

4. On November 20, during our regular Maui SMUG Meeting – we will have a donation jar for those who want to donate cash or check in person. Topic on MauiSMUG discussion will include crowdsourcing. We will have time to network and also to do shout out to all the participants who donated through this campaign.

This campaign is evolving. We will make improvements. But for now I really need to get the word out. Would you please help me by spreading this post around? Ā Mahalo for your Kokua.



PHOTOS on this post are from yahoo and there are more on this link:

This campaign is evolving. We will make improvements. But for now I really need to get the word out. Would you please help me by spreading this post around? Ā Mahalo for your Kokua.

P.S. Ā I myself is giving monetary help via one of the agencies on the link below. Ā Will start the list Ā of participants here tonight.Ā Please let me know if you donated. Ā Thank you.