I am very excited about our first Maui Tweet-up! We’ve been twitting about doing a Maui tweet-up for some time now (because we always see how fun those Oahu twitters are having on their tweet-ups) but it was mostly just talk because none of us really was organizing to make it happen (oh, Mauians are so laid back aren’t we?) But when @NEENZ e-mailed me saying that @jowyang is coming to Maui I thought we should just do it – tweet-up so we can show our aloha! And so the first Maui Tweet-up is coming. It’s almost here. Tomorrow – Sunday at 12 noon at Stella Blues in Kihei.
Here’s the count so far: Coming: @amauiblog – 1 @jowyang – 2 @raatz – 1 @jalove – 1 Really want to come – will try to make it: @jsigwat and @symbolman + 4 yr old child @MauiPixie (if daughter feels better) @tylergillies – will catch up (has work) @DJSMook – will try
My blog is in the midst of transition (transfer of hosting) so I do not know if this will be up or my service might be interrupted for a little while. My lap top is running at a turtle speed I know something is wrong. Time for a new MacBook I’d say 😉
So…I am logging off for now. Leave a comment or e-mail me (lizamaui (at) yahoo (dot) com if you have any questions.