
Paia is this cool little town in Hana highway between Baldwin Beach and Hookipa Beach. Once a large and busy sugar plantation town, the mill and the residential camps that surrounded it are gone. Now Paia bustles with botiques, coffee stores, art shops, health food stores and other shops. The place is also filled with casual eateries which is a great feed stop on your way to Hana.

Several weeks ago, the Maui Tweeps had our Maui Tweet Up at Anthony’s Coffee in Paia. I took the kids with me and decided to explore the town after our meet-up. At that time I was reminded of how much I love this little town. Ā I like the feel of it. It’s quite fun to stroll around and look at the little different shops with their unique merchandise. IMG_1015This place is unique. And the good thing about it now is that there is a public parking place near the shops. Ā It used to be so hard to find parking, but with the new public parking facility, it was a breeze.

Today I lovingly convinced my husband for us to drive to the North Shore so I can “scope” the leg 4 of Hana Relay which is what I am going to run on September 12th. I also convinced him to Ā stop by Ā Paia and eat lunch Paia Fish House.

There are so much to share about this cool little town where many Hippies still hang out. Ā When I came home and googled “Paia Town”, I was please to see that it actually has it’s own website. Ā So, for more information about Paia, go to

This is a photo of MauiTweetup Ā at Anthony’s Coffee in Paia:

@lamourwedding, @TwMediaNet, @raatz, @grevels, @peterliu47, @jal

@lamourwedding, @TwMediaNet, @raatz, @grevels, @peterliu47, @jalove


I highly suggest you check out the Paia Town website. Ā Actually, I highly suggest you come to Maui and visit this unique place šŸ™‚ Hey, @ShielaS and her son ate at this place when they were here šŸ™‚ Aloha!