Photo by Michael McGill

On my previous post I talked about Stress in Paradise.Ā  I just wanted to give a realistic view on how “living on Maui is differentĀ  from vacationing on Maui”.Ā  Maui is sort of a paradise, but there’s a cost in living here.Ā  That said, for me, Maui is still the best place to live.Ā  I love the place and the people.Ā  It’s home. There are many positive things about living on Maui that outweighs the negative.Ā  It’s not for everyone, but it’s definitely for me. And that’s the Maui Mindset I am talking about.

This is just going to be a short blog post. but IĀ  have a list of blogs to upload and plans to publish them this week.Ā  But before I close this post, I want to shareĀ  RAINBOWS with you!

Photo by Michael McGIll

This week Maui has been showing off lots of beautiful rainbows and it’s such a joy to see them.Ā  If you are following the Instagram of your Maui friends I am guessing you’ve seen them post about it – like this rainbow.Ā  Of course every time I see one the songĀ  “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” by IZ comes to mind, so what better way to close this postĀ  than to share the song with you as well.Ā  Ā Sing along:


Decided to add the video with IZ so you can choose which video you prefer to watch šŸ™‚