Guest post by Karen Johnson (Blogger, From Paradise to Pungo) Thank you Karen for sharing with us about this wonderful organization.

Mo Maurer is the founder and executive director of this inspiring organization, and she is both a dog-lover and a humanitarian. This was Mo’s unrealized childhood dream until a personal health crisis lead her to finally quit her comfy job as a CPA and launch this work. She began with Sadie, a beautiful golden retriever who was her first service dog, and has since trained dozens of puppies and
matched them with disabled people all over the islands. Besides the practical help the dogs provide, they also give their owners companionship, a wagging tail, and the unconditional love dogs are famous for. They also provide a social link for their owners who are able to make friends and lose their sense of isolation and self-consciousness because of the warmth and charisma of their dogs.

Up at the facility, we got to watch the trainers in action, demonstrating how the dogs learn complex tasks by chaining actions together. For instance, first they learn to turn on a low light-switch, then they learn to step up on
chair to turn on a high light switch, then they learn to put their paws up on the wall to reach the light switch. They get their dog biscuit reward for each action performed successfully, but seem to respond even more to the affirmation and approval of their trainers. We also watched a couple of news clips on people whose lives have been changed by these dogs. These included a paraplegic woman who is able to attend UH because of her dog’s help in the classroom, and a young boy with multiple sclerosis whose immobility could not impede the laughter created by his dog’s snuggling and face-licking. Seeing that kind of joy in a wheel-chair-bound child will make your whole day.

This is a total feel good organization. The people who work there have huge hearts, the dogs are as loveable a creation as the good Lord ever made, and they work together to help those among us with the biggest needs. Visit, volunteer, donate…you’ll get your own miracle.
Hawaii Canines for Independence
PO Box 790626
Paia, HI 96779
Needless to say, this is my Thankful Thursday entry for this week. For more thankful hearts, click here.
UPDATE: CHECK-OUT this article on CNN related to this topic. It’s titled: Guide Dogs Trained To Handle Plane Emergencies. Click here to go there.
Wow, such a great organization, thanks for sharing with us.
Denise’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday-Epic Story
Great post, what joy when people have special friends to share their lives with! Thank you for sharing.
Sue’s last blog post..THANKFUL THURSDAY
wonderful story.
the people and dogs at this facility are just amazing!!
Thanks Karen for blogging about HCI. If anyone is interested in keeping up with current happenings, they have a page on Facebook with plenty of pictures of the dogs and updates!
Thank you therefore much!! I have simply discovered this wonderful artist and his functions. They’re so peaceful and soothing, I possess used them on my desktop at the. It’s difficult to find information written in English regarding your pet, though..anyone have worthwhile links? Many thanks again!!