Photo by Angie Sobolev @heartofaloha
When we think of Maui, we think of the ocean, the beach, the plumerias and the hibiscus. But sunflowers? Not quite. Well, until recently that is. Sunflowers! Who would have thought sunflowers would be a “craze” on Maui? It’s all over my Instagram Feed. But I don’t mind. Keep them coming! Just take a look at my friend Bridgett’s Instagram post. Doesn’t this exudes so much joy? Happiness abounds at the Maui Sunflower field 🙂
Thanks to Pacific Biodiesel, Maui now has a sunflower field. The field is a parcel of land formerly used for sugar cane. It is actually a test field for bigger fields to come. Many of us were wondering what the next agricultural crops will evolve after the sugarcane industry ended … and some are worried that it might be replaced by big box stores and developments alike. The sunflower field as an alternative is a pleasant prospect. As we now see, the Maui community is quite supportive of this idea.
Because a sunflower field is something new to Maui; because the sunflowers are so bright and cheery and making many people smile; because it’s open to public (well, sort of, not officially – it’s private so please stay on the edge and be respectful); and because social media made it easy for us to share photos to our loved ones and friends; the whole thing has gone “viral”. I mean “sunflowers on Maui” has taken our over our social media feeds! Lol!
I first saw the Maui Sunflower Field from my friends Angie and Bri. I was going through my Facebook feed and saw this super cute photo of Bri’s son with the sunflowers.
“Was that on Maui?” I asked. “Where is that on Maui?”. Apparently, I missed this mini article on The Maui News about it. Then I saw my friend Michelle posted too:
It was a blessing in disguise that I have a doctor’s appointment the next day, and the sunflower field is on the way to the doctor’s office. On my way back to work, I stopped by the sunflower field and it was magical! The 1 minute video that I took of the sunflower field has now 4.5 million+ views, 104K shares and 14K+ comments!
When I found out that this is a project of Pacific Biodiesel Technologies, I immediately massaged my friend Joy. She is the Marketing Director of Pacific Biodiesel so I know she’ll have the scoop about it. I found out from her that they are hosting a public tour on April 11, coinciding with Earth Day. The event is free but space is limited so there’s a sign-up for reservation. I signed up that night and the next day it’s “sold out”! Here’s an article on Maui.Now about the Sunflower tour on Earth Day.
For more information on this project, read this article from Pacific Biodiesel Website. As I was researching about this, I saw some photos of the beginning of this sunflower field and created a little collage for you. Look from bottom to top: the blessing, the planting, the first bloom, and then full field bloom! Photo credit to Kelly King and Pacific Biodiesel Technologies Facebook Page.
I love what Sheryl Graham wrote on her Facebook and her photos, which she gave me permission to post: “In a world filled with hate, anger & ugliness …. … these 12 acres on Maui have provided smiles, laughter, awe moments, simple pure beauty, yes we have seen a time ton of pics of this amazing beauty…. It’s worth more than any one can imagine… the earth laughs with flowers.”
There are many beautiful Instagram photos posted from the Sunflower field. Each photo has a beautiful stories to tell. Here’s a couple of my favorites (and there’s a lot more):
It seems like #MauiSunflowers is the most used hashtag. Search #MauiSunflowers and enjoy!
When I first saw the sunflower field about a week ago, I told myself that I should blog about it. But you know, the daily responsibilities got in the way so the blogging was delayed. However, it’s better late than never, so here it is. And added bonus, my friend Chris Haywood’s also blogged about this new Sunflower attraction. Read about her perspective at Wailea Realty Maui Blog.
In closing, I want to share this beautiful Maui video that my friend Everett of FlyingHawaiian.com shared. It captured not only the beauty of the sunflower fields but also the many things we love about Maui … the ocean, the palms, the Jacaranda Trees and more:
So glad you captured this, Liza!
Love reading about this Liza! SO MUCH HAPPINESS!! 🙂 Thanks for including me! I may need to follow suit and write one. I have hundreds of bright happy flower photos!
Thank you for sharing these beautiful sunflower photos and videos, Liza.
Hey great post! I hope it’s ok that I shared this on my Twitter, if not,
no issues just let me know and I’ll remove it.
Either way keep up the great work.