One of the most frequently asked questions on A Maui Blog is “where’s a good place to eat on Maui“. And for those who come visit regularly, many of them already have tried the usual bests and wants to know what’s new. That is why I am quite excited to write this post … because I am about to share something new to the frequent visitors on Maui … and something good for the new visitors as well.
The cool new place to eat that I am talking about is ……. (insert drum roll) …. FORK AND SALAD !
Well, I am pretty sure you already knew it before I revealed because the photos are all over this blog. But let me share with you some more stories about it. Actually, let’s talk story about it. Fork and Salad is a chef-inspired salad company with a mission to redefine the possibilities of farm-to-table cuisine – as healthy, quick, convenient and affordable, so it can be enjoyed every day by everyone.

1 of 12 signatures salads – the “Kumu Farms Sunrise Papaya and Grain Salad” A non-GMO papaya loaded with health grain mix, spicy broccoli, raw corn, cranberries, feta, mint, squeeze of lemon and EVOO! Try it tonight! A perfect meal for after the gym! #EatLocalEatHealthy
What is so exciting about this new place to eat is that they use truly local fresh produce. They effectively support local farmers, ranchers and fishermen. Not only do they know the importance of using fresh produce and supporting local farmers and fishermen, but they also have a vision for a sustainable, edible Maui. There is something very exciting about eating fresh food … I mean really fresh, freshly harvested from the farm, or caught from the ocean!
Here’s the thing … the owners of this new place to eat on Maui are also the owners of Threes Bar and Grill. Everyone I’ve talked to about them says that these three young men are just some of the nicest guys you’d ever meet. And I agree. They don’t know me personally but we have many mutual friends. Their success are a result of talent, hard work, passion and aloha. And these guys … these guys are doing a great job right now connecting with their customers through social media! I remember the time when they were just learning about it (my friends Peter and Yvonne teaching how to use Instagram …). Now they use social media so naturally and beautifully too. Check out their Facebook Page, Instagram and Youtube. Oh their website is pretty awesome too! And they also have an app .. yes, a mobile app for you to order your food!
Speaking of social media, watch this sneak peak video they did a week before the Grand Opening and you will know more about this exciting new place to eat on Maui:
The location is in Kihei, at Azeka’s Shopping Center … where Stella Blues used to be.
Have I tried their food? The answer is yes! They had a soft opening in July and most of my friends who’s been there spoke highly of it. My husband and I went for a quick date and we were satisfied with what we ate. I am not really good at “reviews” so I won’t go into details of the food and drink, but the bottom line is it’s healthy and yummy and for what it is, it is also reasonably priced! Here’s a confession … I am not a big salad eater. I love it occasionally but I have to have my local food as well. However I love soups and stews … savory healthy soup and stews … and guess what? – they have them too! Not only awesome healthy salads, they have sandwiches, wraps, soups, stews and a variety of healthy drinks! There’s so much to like about this new place to eat on Maui, this Fork and Salad Chef Bar. And one of them (aside from the reasons I already mentioned above) is their support for the Grow Some Good. Grow Some Good is a nonprofit community program dedicated to creating hands-on, outdoor learning experiences that cultivate curiosity about natural life cycles, connect students to their food sources, and inspire better nutrition choices.
Fork & Salad is generously donating $1 from every Beet & Goat Cheese Salad sold now through March to support Grow Some Good school garden programs. I can go on and on talking about Fork and Salad, but I guess at this point you already get the idea. If you are on Maui, and you have not visited the place, it’s time to go and try it. You will be glad you did. And for you who are planning to visit Maui and are making a list of places to eat … make sure Fork and Salad is included. It’s the new cool place to eat on Maui 🙂
PHOTO CREDIT: All photos used in this post are from Fork and Salad Facebook Page.