A Maui Blog
by Liza PierceHoliday Problems … Let’s do something about it
It's 4 days until Thanksgiving, 30 days before Christmas, 37 days before New Year, and to some of you, by the time you read this post the holidays might even be closer! Do you feel your blood pressure rising? Are you feeling a bit stressed and anxious, thinking of the...
Mother Daughter Bonding Time at Travaasa Hana
Hana, Maui, often called "Heavenly Hana" is one place on earth where I can find serenity and pure bliss. Maui is such a beautiful place to start with. You can find peaceful places here, there and everywhere. However ... .... if you want to experience the...
Travaasa Hana on Maui
Post under construction ... come back in a little while ...
Miss Saigon on Maui – Don’t Miss on Aug 22, 23 & 24
It's 11:17 pm. I am supposed to be in bed, asleep, by now. Yet I know I had to write a blog post to tell you how fabulous Miss Saigon on Maui is, and that if any of you are still on the fence and not sure wether to go or not, I highly suggest you buy your tickets now...
Musings on Maui
KULA "Calm After The Storm" Photo via @ErikBlair of www.erikeverywhere.com Musing on the storm before, during and after. It was interesting the amount of preparation people on Maui did for these hurricane Iselle and Julio. It was quite entertaining seeing so many...
This comment made my day!
Mahalo Amanda Brooks for your comment. This inspires me to continue blogging. Love hearing how A Maui Blog helps readers enjoy Maui.
Hawai‘i State Chili Championship Cookoff on Sunday, July 20 at Ulupalakua Ranch – Come for a Sunday Drive
Ulupalakua Ranch Store & Grill, along with Shaka Pops Maui and Maui’s Winery, invites the public to come on up to beautiful Upcountry Maui for the 2nd Annual CASI Hawai‘i State Chili Championship Cookoff on Sunday, July 20, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cookoff,...
Maui Sunset Afterglow in Keanae Peninsula
We spent out Independence Day Holiday Weekend at Keanae, Maui. We are fortunate (blessed) to have great friends (our hanai family, our ohana) who owns a property in Keanae. I call Keanae Peninsula a mini paradise on earth. On the afternoon / evening of July fourth,...