A Maui Blog

by Liza Pierce

Maui Christmas Musing

How was your Christmas Day?  Ours was good. It was good in a different way (good but miss being together with our family). I thought it would be nice to wrap it up in a "Thankful for Christmas" post while I recall our week of Christmas.  Here are some of the things I...

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Maui Sunset View From Our Window

The Maui Sunset photos below were all taken last week, on different days but same location - our kitchen/dining room window.  It's such a blessing to be able to look outside while cooking or eating dinner and see such a marvelous view. I should always be thankful ......

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Silent Night Hawaiian Style

I am writing a Maui Christmas post right now. While researching for some event information, I stumbled upon this beautiful Silent Night Hawaiian Style video on Youtube and I knew I must share it here. The chant in the beginning of the video gave me "chicken skin"...

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White Sand Christmas, A Merry Maui Christmas

I received an e-mail from our blog reader who wanted to share about their Christmas vacation on Maui, and I thought it was very nice of him to offer that. I told him to send me the post via e-mail and if it is consistent with the theme of this blog, we'll publish it....

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