As I was browsing back through some of my old posts this week, it occurred to me how A Maui Blog has grown.  For example, the photos on my old posts were small, some were blurred and some were out of focus.  Now I make sure that the photos are bigger and better.
While perusing, there is one thing that I noticed I have regressed, and that  is in the area of talking story.  It seems like as the blog grew older,  there more photos and less talk  story. Some of the posts with words were written in a more informative press release kind of article than just talking story. I guess  I  wanted to make sure I am giving valuable information to the readers.
But then again, many of  you, I believe, enjoy the talking story format.  Many of informational stuff can be read from other websites such as Tripvisor and Maui Visitors Bureau websites or the news at Maui Time and Maui Now.  But I think what makes this blog unique from other Maui informational websites is that it’s a talking story blog, just like what my tag line says. In many of the older posts I shared about my family, my job,  etc. etc.  and I am thinking I should write that way more often
And so I thought it’s time to do a random post today, a musing of sort. Warning, this may become totally random. It may go long or short …
Family.  My kids were about 7 and 8 years old when I f irst started blogging. They are both teenagers now. Their activities changed a bit but I still am the “mommy taxi” most of the time until my son gets his license when he turns 16. I love being a mom.  As many of you know, I started as a Mommy Blogger.  We had many fun family memories that I blogged !  As you will notice, I don’t post a lot of photos of my kids now as I used to.  Teenage years  is a tricky stage of life so I try to give my kids their own space as much as I can (with proper limits of course).  You know what’s neat is looking at their photos on some of my earlier posts – they were so young – it made me smile looking at them 🙂
Work.  I started blogging as a hobby, then became a social media enthusiast, which led me to my job now as the Social Media Director for Hawaii’s Premiere Mortgage Company and Aloha Luxury Properties (vacation rental). Both are reputable companies.  They are not perfect but they are great companies and I enjoy working for them.  I feel blessed to be able to do the job I am doing now and be able to connect with you while at work 🙂
Friends. Â Having to work a lot of hours leave me limited time to spend with friends (like going out, etc). Â I cherish every moment I get a chance to. However, Â I also enjoy my online friendships. Not the same, but both are a blessing.
Busyness.  My life is busy. Crazy busy. I wish I can slow down a bit, afterall I live on Maui, Hawaii.  But it’s all a matter of perspective I guess.  In the end, it’s up to us to prioritize.  I love living on Maui so I must accept the fact that part of it is working to pay the bills and the high cost of living.  At least we get to go to the beach on the weekend without having to by a plane ticket ;).  Everything in perspective …
How about you? Â Now I am interested to hear from you! Let me know via comments.
P.S. One of my many weaknesses in blogging is the fact that I do not reply to the comments left on my blog. I read them all and love them but I am slacking on the commenting part. Â Not due to the lack of desire to reply, it’s more due to lack of time. Anyway, I hope you’d leave a comment here. Any random comment will be appreciated – just let me know how you are doing.
crazy busy describes my life too and I wish on maui it weren’t that way. We just let go of one of our favorite after school sports because we need more time together “not doing”. I am a mom taxi too and its wearing with 4 loud kids in the car. We are trying hard to simplify and not overschedule. Hard to do even on Maui.
Life is great here. Mild winter but anxious to get my toes back in the water.
I can truly relate to what you’ve said. I think this is partially due to the opening of huge floodgates full of cyber opportunities for connecting and options of how to do that. It’s like a whole new, full-time life has been superimposed over the one we already had. And yes, it’s prioritizing. Hard to do when it’s ALL interesting and ALL things we want to do.
I like how you put it, “its up to us to prioritize”…I’m leasing a garden space to grow my our vegetables and its been a month and I have yet to begin….somethings I feel this is another “thing I have to do”..I’ll try to self talk that this is another “thing to look forward to”?
Aloha, I always enjoy reading other blogs..maybe you could post mine with your other Maui blogs?..(your blog is on my page as well. to share with others) Ho’okipa Aikane
We are .crazy busy here, and I’d say that this has been a good start to a new year in the visitor industry..Happy to see our guests enjoying our beautiful island..
Much Aloha..keep up the good work, and make sure to get to the beach!!! (talking to myself as well 🙂
Photos are great!! Those of us on the mainland (in the snow) get to live vicariously through your weekends 😉
Hearing about life on Maui would be great too. Getting your posts are always a treat. Thank you!
I am back skiing in Colorado and I must say I am little embarased to admit on the chair lift that I live in Maui. Wow, rough job but my husband and I get to do it. We work from home and our house burned down and we got a really big check – so what the heck – why not live the dream. That it what we are doing. Making lemonade out of lemons – why not? I enjoy hearing the stories of people as they live this dream. Maui is such an incredible magic place.
I love the talk story format Liza…it’s personal and fun 🙂 I know as parents we have to make sure we take care of our kids and of course all of the other responsibilities. Hard to have play or relax time! Or blogging time! Although this month I had to “go with it…” and I posted early and am doing blog hopping early, then it’s back to work! Always love your posts and look forward to them Liza!
Hi Liza,
It’s funny how life takes you on an adventure you never expected. Sounds like you are doing something you truly enjoy. Which is an awesome blessing so that it doesn’t really feel like work, yes?
I know what you mean about being super busy. Being a web designer, I find the same thing… no time to go and enjoy. But, it’s so important to keep a balance. Hard, though, when work is fun!
Love your blog!
Hey Liza,
Finding the balance between being informative and leaving that personal touch can be hard to achieve. That’s something I struggle with.
Every expert blogger will tell you that you need to write something that readers need. You need to provide value. Sometimes I wonder how my life is providing someone with value, but I guess it all depends on what you value.
Some people want how-to’s and news and information. Others want a glimpse into the lives of others, to see what they see and appreciate what they appreciate.
Either way, I think people most want to feel like they’re reading what a PERSON wrote, and I think that’s what people get when they come to your blog. They get to see a person living a Maui life, and that’s not something they’ll get at the Visitor’s Bureau so I think you should definitely keep doing what you’re doing and sharing your thoughts and feelings. Without YOU, this blog could be written by anybody. YOU are what makes the blog what it is.
Love the personal reflection, Liza!
I say do whatever feels right on any given day: Informational, talk story, more photos, fewer photos — whichever direction your journey takes you, we’re happy you invited us to join you.
I find myself perpetually busy too! The important stuff seems to naturally make its way to the top, though. Everything else is minor. And as I get older, fewer obligations/worries seem all that important, and more and more things seem minor. 🙂
Hi Liza, I have found that the longer I have blogged, the less talk story type of posts I produce. I have found myself longing to get back to my blogging roots too, but alas that whole busyness thing is a conundrum.
Liza, I still haven’t met you in person, but feel I know you through your blog. I think you do a tremendous amount of good just by being you, and sharing your experiences and reflections.
It must be wonderful to look back at your blog in the earlier days and see your “journal” of memories when your kids were young. I think it’s a good decision to respect your kids privacy in their teen years. I often wonder now how different this generation will be due to their growing up online.
I like this talking story format…you wrote how you speak, I almost felt like I was sitting next to you and chatting.
It’s been very well said in the comments above – and heck – you posted this a month ago so you can see I get into that busy thing myself! What to me is curious though is now that we are all publishers, I think it helps focus our ideas and raise the overall level of discourse. It’s so much easier to be selective with our precious time. 🙂
Thanks again for all you for us here on Maui. I wish I could make an app that would ping you each day with a warm hug and Mahalo!