* Maui 2021 and Beyond!

Maui Biz Ambassador

Need help in promoting your Maui Business? I am here to assist. Let me guide you.

* Maui Visitor Guide 2021

Your Maui Local Guide

Planning a visit to Maui can be overwhelming. I am here to help.


I started blogging as a Mommy Blogger in 2005. My kids were little at that time, and I enjoyed sharing stories about our adventures on living on Maui. I also shared the joys and struggles of living in Hawaii as a working mom.
As my blog and social media followers grew, I started getting a lot of questions about Maui. The questions kept on coming and growing, so I decided to start A Maui Blog.

“I love how well written and informative this book has been. I cannot wait to finish reading it and get to see everything here on this beautiful island.”

Lucy DeVille

The Latest Happenings on Maui

Confession of A Maui Author and Blogger

Confession of A Maui Author and Blogger

I am currently on a "paralysis" mode in in terms of my productivity (on my "side job" which is also sort of a passion project). I have not been blogging here on A Maui Blog, I have been having a hard time finishing my two writing projects: 1) Maui Travel Planner and...

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Living in Hawaii, Live! You are Invited to Join Us.

Living in Hawaii, Live! You are Invited to Join Us.

Aloha! How are you all doing? As for me, I am quite busy with my new job, but life is still wonderful. Every morning I wake up feeling blessed to able to live here on Maui. I never take it for granted.  And like what I said before, my gratitude of being able to live...

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