A Maui Blog
by Liza PierceLiza Learned Hawaiian Throw Net Fishing At Travaasa Hana
Continuing with our Travaasa Hana adventure stories, one of the many activities that I really enjoyed doing was learning "Throw Net Fishing". Noelle took a photo of me during our lessons at Travaasa Hana, but she didn't go with us at the bay, so I didn't have a photo...
Mother and Daughter Get-away at Travaasa Hana
"This place is our most favorite place on earth!", I heard the couple next to us said to the waitress serving them. Then they went on and on sharing how they are enjoying their stay. I wanted to join the conversation and say "us too!" As you already know, Travaasa...
Hawaiian Monk Seal – Let’s Help Save In Ways We Can
The Hawaiian monk seal is a species in crisis. There are currently fewer than 1,100 seals remaining and their numbers continue to decline by 4% per year. The challenges they face are numerous including shark predation, human disturbance and habituation, fishery...
Bird of Paradise And Maui Sunset
These photos were shared by Bazza V Duck last night on our My Own Maui Facebook Page. I felt like to belonged to the blog as well. The series of shots seems to tell a story. It's just plain beautiful. So I posted it here on A Maui Blog first, and now we can share on...
Pretty Pink Plumerias on Maui
This plumeria tree is found on our neighbor's side yard, across the street from us. The tree is in full bloom - it's a beautiful sight! Each bunch of plumerias are like a natural wedding bouquet - it seems beautifully arranged but it wasn't manually arranged. It's...
Summer Sports Camp in Kihei, Maui
Come join Hope Chapel Sports Enthusiasts for a week-long day camp loaded with quality sports instruction, positive role models, daily Bible times, skits, and lots of fun times. Invite your friends! Hope Chapel presents “Undefeated” Sports Camp 2015 Date: June 15-19...
Adventure With Waterfalls – Hana, Maui
Wonderful photos of waterfalls on the way to Hana. Mahalo to Peter for taking these photos and sharing them with us. All these photos were used with permission by Peter Lindsey. You can connect with Peter via his Instagram account: @Falls_hunter
O’o Farm Raises the Bar
Farm to table has become all the rage in the last few years, and for good reason. Many people want more than just a meal, and they want to eat it with a clean conscience, knowing that is was made in a kind and sustainable manner. High above the bustle of Maui's...