A Maui Blog

by Liza Pierce

Maui Summer Fun Is Here

  My kids' last day of school is June 5th, then off to a fun summer vacation!  Although there is no huge vacation plan in the horizon, we live on Maui and therefore we can also opt for staycation and still have fun.  There are so many things to do and experience...

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Peaceful Sunday On Maui

  My daughter, who I call Hapa Girl here on my blog, took these photos of bird(s) on a wire.  I thought it's fitting to post these today as it reminds me to be peaceful in all circumstances. I love the blue sky in the background. No filter was used in this photo...

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A Maui Blog At The Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce Event

  One of the many passions I have is using helping entrepreneurs harness the power of social media for business.  So when Alvin Santander from Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce contacted me to speak about it on their membership meeting, I was tickled pink!...

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Living In Maui …

I was browsing through A Maui Blog's Google Analytics (I don't do this often but it's good to check every now and then) and noticed that a lot of people who are searching for the phrase "Living In Maui" or "Living On Maui" arrives on this blog.  Recently I also had...

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Reflections …

    My son took this Instagram photos at Keawakapu while they were walking Sonny. Aren't these shots so cool? And the brain defragmenting continues ....

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Sleeping Cat On Maui

  Have you ever had one of those days when you have so many ideas running in your head, way too many that you end up not doing any of them? I am having one of those moments right now.  I had about 101 posts in mind last night, but I ended up sleeping, like this...

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Super Moon Moonset on Maui

  I woke up at 5 o'clock this morning and when I looked out the window I saw a beautiful moon, the super moon 2012 on it's way to set on Maui.  I saw it through the same window that I usually take my Maui Sunset photos.  It is pretty cool to see a moonset there...

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The Merry Month Of May On Maui

Can you believe it's already May and we are almost in the middle of year 2012?  Sometimes I can't.  I can't believe that next month I'd be turning 46. FORTY SIX!  Let's change the subject, shall we? This month of May is packed with many wonderful events on Maui. It is...

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