A Maui Blog
by Liza PierceAnd Then She Got Addicted to Watching Rescue Videos of Dogs And Following The Life of Some Sweet Italian Greyhounds
Aloha! Yep, I am still alive! Want to know what I had been doing instead of blogging? I had been watching rescue videos of Eldad on Facebook and YouTube, and been hanging out on Facebook with a great group of Italian Greyhound owners, following the exciting stories...
Wordless Wed – Wine Wednesday at Four Seasons Maui
Looking for my Ultimate Party Blog Post? Click #UBP12 - Can I offer you a drink? And for more Wordless Wednesday go to 5 Minutes For Mom Upcoming Event, Four Pinots at Four Seasons Wailea Maui
Welcome UBP Peepz – Aloha!
Aloha! My name is Liza, and welcome to A Maui Blog! All throughout this week I had been thinking of ways on how I can connect with you, my fellow Ultimate Blog Party 2012 participants, and the only thought I could come up with is to share with you some things...
Getting Ready For The …..
So please pardon the scarcity of my posts. Will be back to regular postings after the party. As for now, I am going to do some "spring blog cleaning" to get ready!
10 Alternative Things To Do On Maui
This list is geared to people who are not typical tourists, and want to see or experience things that may be a bit more alternative. Do nothing. Ignore the glossy activity brochures. Sit on the beach and vegetate. Stare at the ocean. Have lots of time to be,...
We Have A Winner!
You know you have been pretty busy when _________. Yes, you can fill in the blank. Most, if not all, of us know what it means to be busy. For A Maui Blog, I know I've been busy when the same Wordless Wednesday post runs 2 weeks instead of one, and the announcement...
Wordless Wednesday: Colorful Hibiscus
Want to see more, visit my "The Colorful World of Hibiscus" Pinterest Board. Aloha Oi!
Much Ado About Nothing and Dare You
Our family just got done watching "Much Ado About Nothing" and we enjoyed it. While the rest of the family are enjoying the "second movie of the night", I excused myself to post on this blog. Tonight I discovered a video of the best-selling author Kelly Corrigan...