A Maui Blog

by Liza Pierce
The Night Before Christmas in Pidgin with Narration

The Night Before Christmas in Pidgin with Narration

The video above was uploaded on Dec 24, 2011 - A take on the Christmas classic "The Night Before Christmas" done in Hawaiian Pidgin English by Kamaka Brown with music by James Kimo   www.kamakabrown.com DA NITE BEFOAH CHRISTMAS Was da night bafo' Christmas, and all...

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Ulupalakua Sparkles This Sunday, Dec. 8

It has now become a A Maui Blog "tradition". Every year, around this time I share with you about "Ulupalakua Sparkles".  It's a wonderful gathering on Maui with music, food and fun,  held upcountry. If you have not been to one of these Ulupalakua Sparkles, I suggest...

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A Maui Morning Musing

Yesterday, we were on our way to watch the movie "Frost" when we got the phone call from our friend informing us that our dear friend and pastor, Jason, passed away.  Instead of going to the movies, we turned around and went to Jason's house to be with his family.  By...

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Aloha and Kokua to the Victims of Haiyan in the Philippines

I live on Maui and is known as the Maui Local on the net.  However, I was not born here. I am one of the many "flown, not grown" locals who learned to adapt to the Hawaiian culture and love Maui like I grew up here.  Some of you might not know - I am originally from...

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Maui Sunset To Break The Silence

  Aloha A Maui Blog friends. It's been a while, i know....  But I am back and I am glad to be back blogging.  Well, I am challenging myself to start blogging regularly again. I truly miss doing it. I also miss the interaction I have with you.  This post is a...

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