A Maui Blog

by Liza Pierce

808Shells: Like It, Pin It, Tweet It, You Might Win It

I love 808Shells. I had been using it for a couple of months now and it's been great.  It's beautifully designed, it is well made, it protects my Iphone. I wish all Iphone users will use this 🙂 Want one? Then join this "DRAW" I am doing for friends of A Maui Blog....

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Sunday Plumerias

Many of you know, Sunday night is not my favorite time and day of the week.  To cheer me up, I thought I'd post some plumeria photos on A Maui Blog. I think you'd enjoy them too.  Thanks to Exoticmatahari Pluemeria for allowing me to us their photos.    ...

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Simply A Musing

As I was browsing back through some of my old posts this week, it occurred to me how A Maui Blog has grown.  For example, the photos on my old posts were small, some were blurred and some were out of focus.  Now I make sure that the photos are bigger and better. While...

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Keanae On My Mind …

We were at Keanae this Saturday for a surprise birthday party of one of dear friends. I planned to write a blog post about Keanae, but it's now almost 11PM Sunday night, and my eyes are falling (need to go to bed).  So for now, please enjoy the photos and I will catch...

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Ten Things To Do On Maui

Aloha! Our guest blogger for today is someone many of you know already.  It's Chris Norberg of @Maui who is also the administrator of the famous Maui Information Guide website.  Let's see what his suggestions of 10 things to do on Maui are: 1. Chill at the Beach - We...

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Maui Sunsets

Photo by Dan Weisman - ImprovComedyCoach.com Photo by David Gibbs of  Fallingrock Photography Photo by Dawn Mains taken at the Cove Photo by  Reis Shimabukuro (taken the day before the Whale Day) *All these Maui Sunset (except for the last one) were taken on Feb 18,...

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Whale Day Parade 2012

As I mentioned in my previous post, yesterday was a big event day on Maui. I only made it to the Whale Day Festival late in the afternoon. I have another post coming but for now I wanted to share these photos of the parade. My favorite is the mermaids photo. A big...

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Saturday, February 18, 2012 Events

Source: alohaluxurypropertiesblog.wordpress.com via Liza on Pinterest   Good morning! It's Saturday, February 18, 201 - and Maui has a lot of great events going on this weekend!  It's really kinda crazy - so many wonderful events to go to, we have to really plan...

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