A Maui Blog
by Liza PierceA Merry Maui Christmas To You
Plumeria Christmas Tree On Maui
This post is the first of the many Merry Maui Christmas post I am hoping to do this year. I plan to feature some of the unique ways Maui celebrates Christmas and I thought these Plumeria Christmas Tree is a great start. It's actually our neighbor's tree. This was...
Some Calls Them Flip Flops We Call Them Slippahz
This kind of footware has many names, you have to know how to call it depending on where you are and who you are talking to. It is can be called FlipFlops, Sandals, Slippers. Now, if you want to sound like a Maui Local, call them Slippah or Slippahz. If you are...
Holiday Problems & Solutions – Can You Say Travaasa?
Can you believe it's December 1st already (almost, just a few hours away)?! It's the last month of the year! 2012 is almost over! Surely time flies so fast, especially when you are so busy with so many things ... like, you know ... Facebook and stuff ... ha!...
Incredible Maui Sunset Sky
Yesterday's Maui Sunset was incredible. I was at Safeway parking lot when it happened. I know it would have been better if I was on the beach, but to experience Maui Sunset at a parking lot was quite amazing. Only on Maui .... So that first photo above was when it...
Blessing of King David Kalakaua’s Hula Circle At Ulupalakua Sparkles on Sunday, December 2, 2012
Have you already seen this beautiful sculptures, a magnificent work of art up at Ulupalakua Ranch? If you haven't, this coming Sunday, Dec. 2, is a prefect day to go there! Maui’s Winery and Ulupalakua Ranch Store are inviting the public to come on up to Upcountry...
Ulupalakua Sparkles – December 2, 2012
ULUPALAKUA – Maui’s Winery and Ulupalakua Ranch Store invite the public to come on up to Upcountry Maui for an extra special “Ulupalakua Sparkles” on Sunday, December 2, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This historic Sunday Drive event celebrates the blessing and...
Thanksgiving on Maui 2012
I had been getting some inquiries from readers asking about where to eat on Thanksgiving on Maui. I also noticed that the number 1 search word on Google that makes people arrive to my site these past few weeks is "Thanksgiving on Maui". I wrote a post last year...